Wechall - Register Globals
Register Globals This challenge is a relict of old PHP times, where register globals has been enabled by default, which often lead to security issues. Again, your job is to login as admin I...
Register Globals This challenge is a relict of old PHP times, where register globals has been enabled by default, which often lead to security issues. Again, your job is to login as admin I...
Limited Access I try to secure my pages with .htaccess. Am I doing it right? To prove me wrong, please access protected/protected.php. GeSHi`ed Plaintext code for .htaccess AuthUserFile ....
Factor 2 We have outsourced an application to an indian programmer and got disappointed. The application is not multi language capable as agreed, but the worst is... One of our coworkers could ...
Crypto - Substitution II I have created an advanced version of the simple substitution cipher. It can now use chars in range from 0-255, but that should not stop you. The ciphertext is in the ...
Crypto - Caesar II I guess you are done with Caesar I, aren't you? The big problem with caesar is that it does not allow digits or other characters. I have fixed this, and now I can use any asc...
Crypto - Transposition I It seems that the simple substitution ciphers are too easy for you. From my own experience I can tell that transposition ciphers are more difficult to attack. However...
Crypto - Simple Substitution I Oh dear, I guess you have cracked the two caesar cryptos... This one is more difficult. Although a simple substitution is easily cracked... Again the characters a...
참고 Link choseongho93.tistory.com/130 kimdoky.github.io/tech/2017/05/06/regular/ hamait.tistory.com/342 Level 1 Your objective in this challenge is to learn the regex syntax....
LFI $filename = 'pages/'.(isset($_GET["file"])?$_GET["file"]:"welcome").'.html'; include $filename; Solution solution.php에 들어가야 함. solution.php의 경로는 /challenge/training/php/lfi/solut...
Programming 1 When you visit this link you receive a message. Submit the same message back to https://www.wechall.net/challenge/training/programming1/index.php?answer=the_message Your timelimi...